The Tibetan "Beat It": "This is Tibet" By Sonam Palden

High Peaks Pure Earth has translated a fun song titled “This is Tibet” by Sonam Palden that started life as just an audio track on January 1, 2011, before an accompanying music video emerged online recently.
This track is a cover version of the classic song “Beat It” by Michael Jackson and the video even emulates Michael Jackson’s video with the narrative of the rival gangs. The Tibetan lyrics for “This is Tibet” were composed by Chone Yumtsering, writer of the previously translated song “Gangchenpa”.

2013 04 13 This is Tibet Comments

The audio track alone of “This is Tibet” has been played on Youku.Com over 91,500 times and the 110 comments are mostly of support for the song. As an example, the two comments above from 2011 say “Excellent! A Tibetan version of BEAT IT! Like! Strongly recommend!” and “Awesome! This is our Tibetan pride! Hope you bring out an album, I will always support you.” The Chinese characters that look like emoticons at the end of each comment are the character for “praise”.
The energetic song and video firstly reprimands Tibetans for engaging in negative behaviour such as causing arguments. The song argues that disputes should be put aside in order to focus on a higher common goal, therefore Tibetans must unite and focus on shared Tibetan heritage, language and aspirations. The confidence and playfulness of Sonam Palden and his friends in the video call to mind the Amdo rappers Yudrug (Green Dragon) and their rap “New Generation” whilst the main message in the song continues the popular theme of Tibetan unity in contemporay Tibetan pop songs.
This is the nineteenth music video translated by High Peaks Pure Earth since the song series started in November 2012. Be sure to go back and watch our other videos using this link: Check back next Wednesday for another great music video from Tibet.
Below are the subtitled music video and translated lyrics of “This is Tibet” by Sonam Palden:

“This Is Tibet” By Sonam Palden from HPeaks on Vimeo.

“This is Tibet”
By Sonam Palden

Lyrics: Chone Yumtsering
Singer: Sonam Palden

For many years
Our people have been fragmented in pieces
Yet what has never changed is
The affection amongst us

We are all Tibet
We are all Tibet
This is Tibet!
We all are Tibet

Some dishonest cowards
For your own benefit
Cause arguments amongst our brethren
Aima! This is great shame

We are all Tibet
We are all Tibet
This is Tibet!
We all are Tibet

This is Tibet!
This is Tibet!
For the sake of your own land

For the sake of your own land
If we have needless disputes
The Tibetan common goal will be lost
Always keep in your heart
This is Tibet!
We all are Tibet

We are all Tibet
We are all Tibet

For many years
Our people have been fragmented in pieces
Yet what has never changed is
The affection amongst us

We are all Tibet
We are all Tibet
This is Tibet!
We all are Tibet

Some dishonest cowards
For your own benefit
Cause arguments amongst our brethren
Aima! This is great shame

We are all Tibet
We are all Tibet
This is Tibet!
We all are Tibet

This is Tibet!
This is Tibet!
Although the race of the golden-haired monkey

Although the race of the golden-haired monkey
Has their own objectives
Yet the loyalty of our brethren
Is forever the same

This is Tibet!
We all are Tibet
We are all Tibet
We are all Tibet

This is Tibet!
This is Tibet!
We share the same descendants

We share the same descendants
We share the same language
We share the same willpower
We share the same hopes

This is Tibet!
This is Tibet!
In this time of great difficulty and suffering

In this time of great difficulty and suffering
Let us all unite
Let us always strive forward
These are my heartfelt words

This is Tibet!
This is Tibet!
We share the same descendants

We share the same descendants
We share the same language
We share the same willpower
We share the same hopes

This is Tibet!
This is Tibet!

In this time of great difficulty and suffering
Let us all unite
Let us always strive forward
These are my heartfelt words

This is Tibet!

We are all Tibet

[Translation by High Peaks Pure Earth]

For those unable to view the videos on Vimeo, there is also a High Peaks Pure Earth YouTube channel here with our music videos:


  1. it is so so happy to hear this new song which make us to feel that we have more responsibility and keep on! each of us can make difference as long as tibetan remain our course will never lost in this world keep on let us work on

  2. Very good. Bod rgyal lo.
    Columbia University
    New York.

  3. 东蕃台湾-西蕃图伯特Tibet
    10月25日 我國抗日戰爭勝利,台澎光復受降,正式成立台灣省行政長官公署於台北市;10月26日宣布台灣為中華民國一行省;31日行政長官公署設置台灣省 … 12月13日 行政長官公署代電:本省高山族同胞居住高山地帶者計15-16萬人,過去土蕃、蕃族、蠻族等歧視名詞,一律不再使用。
    文化共享 – 高山族的族称族源
    高山族的族称族源 标题: 高山族的族称族源 所属民族: 高山族 顺序代码: … 土番”、”番族”,并根据归附纳饷与否有所谓”野番”、”生番”、”熟番”之称,日本侵占台湾期间,侮称为”蕃族”、”高砂族”。内部还有各种不同的自称与他称,以表示群体认同及文化特征。
    作品 作者 台灣蕃族圖譜(中.日文) 森丑之助 台灣蕃族慣習研究 台灣舊慣查會 蕃族慣習查報告書。
    基督教長老會的傳入對排灣族傳統婚禮的影響 蔡南信 第一章 緒論 第一節 前言 台灣原住民,究竟何時、 … 兩大類,一為「生蕃」(又稱高山蕃、蕃人、兇蕃、蕃、蕃民、野蕃、界外蕃及蕃族等);另一為「熟蕃」(又稱平地蕃、土蕃、歸化生蕃、良蕃、社蕃、歸化蕃、流蕃、平蕃。

  4. 台湾方面使用的“图博”是错误的。“图伯特”这个正确的译音,从大清康熙年间,一直延续到1925年。近250多年的历史。台湾方面不看书,不研究,任凭自己的想象捏造,很是不应该。

  5. 图伯特国
    再说“藏”,“藏”只是Tibet图伯特的其中一个地方,是Tibet Nation图伯特国:卫藏康安多三区中的“藏”地。被外国人称为西藏的西藏,就是一个西藏,不是什么大西藏,小西藏,他们还称我们为外藏,内藏,前藏,后藏等等十几种称法。汉人有泥人张者是民间艺术家,他捏出的是艺术品。我们的国家的称号,被外人随意捏来捏去,捏的乱七八糟,一塌糊涂,不要比艺术品了,他们对这个人类光辉灿烂的文化艺术宝库中的,其中一个最伟大的民族的一点点了解,尊重都作不到。

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