Published in December 2017, “Musique et épopée en Haute-Asie” is a collection of articles offered to ethnomusicologist Mireille Helffer on the occasion of her 90th birthday. The collection was put together under the initiative of Katia Buffetrille and Isabelle Henrion-Dourcy.
The collection, mostly in French, has contributions from Véronique Bouillier, Katia Buffetrille, Hubert Decleer, Franz-Karl Ehrhard, Grégory Forgues, Jean Galodé, Marc Gaborieau, Christine Guillebaud, Roberte Hamayon, Amy Heller, Isabelle Henrion-Dourcy, Samten Karmay, Gisèle Krauskopff, Per Kværne, Marie Lecomte-Tilouine, Bernard Lortat-Jacob, Fernand Meyer, Françoise Pommaret, Rabjam Rinpoche, Dana Rappoport, Matthieu Ricard, Françoise Robin, Geoffrey Samuel et Samten Yeshi.
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