Music Videos: "Distant Thoughts" By Tenzin Ghawa and "Longing" By Yadong

Continuing with the weekly music video series, High Peaks Pure Earth has translated a song by Tibetan singer Tenzin Ghawa. On the music video uploaded on YouTube on August 31, 2012, the song title has been translated as “Distant Thoughts” and High Peaks Pure Earth has kept this title even though a literal translation of the title from Tibetan would be “Miss You As My Parents Are Ageing”, a line taken directly from the song.
High Peaks Pure Earth is also re-posting a song called “Longing” by well-known Tibetan singer Yadong which we originally translated and posted on July 6, 2011. With the 78th birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama coming up on Saturday, these two songs movingly show the reverence for the Dalai Lama by Tibetans and how his absence is felt. With the confusing recent media stories about the possible relaxation in Tibet policy coming from Beijing, in particular with regard to the open reverence of the Dalai Lama, it will be interesting to see if and how his birthday will be celebrated by Tibetans in Tibet.
Below are the subtitled music videos and translated lyrics of “Distant Thoughts” by Tenzin Ghawa and “Longing” by Yadong. Be sure to go back and watch our other videos in the series using this link: And do come back next Wednesday for more music from Tibet.

“Distant Thoughts” by Tenzin Ghawa from HPeaks on Vimeo.


“Distant Thoughts”
Lyrics: Dhondup Dorje
Singer: Tenzin Ghawa

Distance as far as the furthest
In the far distance of India
The wish-fulfilling gem of my heart is there
My heart saddens as he is not seen

Mountains as high as the highest
Beyond the thousand high mountains
The wish-fulfilling gem of my heart is there
My parents and homeland miss him

Rivers as large as the largest
Beyond the large rivers of the Ganges
The wish-fulfilling gem my great Lord lives
Miss you as my parents are ageing

Mountains as high as the highest
Beyond Mount Kailash
The Crown Jewel of the Snowland lives
Pray for a chance to see him

[Translation by High Peaks Pure Earth]

“Longing” By Yadong from HPeaks on Vimeo.

Singer: Yadong

The great star in the sky
Twinkles, twinkles, as it rises
From the heart of this child
A tear falls, a tear falls

Ah, Mother!
Whatever I do, I will return
Whatever I do, I will return

The white cloud in the sky
Is like a letter sent to you
From the heart of this child
I say a prayer, I say a prayer

Ah, Mother!
No matter where I am, you appear before me
No matter where I am, you appear before me

The blue Mekong river
Maks a si’ling’ling sound as it flows
The voice of my Mother, resonates in my mind

Ah, Mother!
No matter where I am, I hear your words
No matter where I am, I hear your words

[Translation by High Peaks Pure Earth]

For those unable to view the videos on Vimeo, there is also a High Peaks Pure Earth YouTube channel here with our music videos:


  1. Diane Barker

    Dear Folk at High Peaks Pure Earth,
    In my early days of traveling in Tibet (in 2000 and 2000) I would go by bus and on the journey we would inevitably be treated to Yadong videos. We were all incredible fans – Tibetans, Chinese and me the lone Westerner, all singing (or trying in my case) along. I am working on a photo book of Tibetan portraits at the moment and would love, if possible, to include some Yadong song lyrics in English, and Tibetan. I found one song on your Newsletter and wondered if you knew where I might find more translations?
    Warmest best wishes, Diane (

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      Hi Diane, Thank you for your lovely comment! Here we have not translated too many Yadong songs unfortunately. He is one of the singers in Mentally Return in case you haven’t seen that video. You may be able to find song lyrics in the academic works of scholars such as Anna Morcom. Hope this helps!

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