Last Year I Was A Prisoner

High Peaks Pure Earth has translated a blogpost by a Tibetan blogger from Amdo who calls his blog The Cry of Thoring Karchen or The Cry of the Dawn Star (tho rengs skar chen gyi ‘bod brda).

The original posting on was uploaded on May 12 2009 but has since been removed. Although the rest of his blog can still be accessed, instead of this particular posting, the following error message appears in Chinese:

High Peaks Pure Earth has therefore uploaded various screenshots of the blogpost, including the photos he uploaded showing how he was treated during his detention.

Last Year I Was A Prisoner

To my many friends and fellow bloggers. Last year I was a prisoner. I was expelled from Tso School (slob gtsos). I was detained in the Chinese town Hidren (hi krin) for one month and several days. On my return I was fined five thousand (yuan) and wasn’t allow to attend school. Here I am appealing to all the good-hearted people to offer me some money in order to pay my student fees.

The photo below was taken by a close friend and I wasn’t able to post it until today.


  1. Anonymous

    do u think this is good idea to post his details with his pictures. don’t you think we should be responsible for his welfare considering that he is still in Tibet. this matter should be be politicize too much. no matter what the reason of arrest and torture was, he merely posted this message appealing for a help with education. so think carefully.

  2. Anonymous

    sorry i mean this matter should not be politicized too much

  3. Anonymous

    It is not someone politicizing, things has been politicized since invasion. Therefore, for China to arresting Tibetan and torturing are political necessity whether one participated in demonstration or not. Also the writer wrote the article in first person, obviously the detainee and the torture victim.

  4. Anonymous

    There is nothing wrong with translating a blog post by a Tibetan who took a personal risk by bloging his story. Amplifying the voices of Tibetans in Tibet by translating their work into English is an amazing gift to the Tibet movement and to individual Tibetans inside Tibet.

    He uploaded an appeal to his blog and photos of his treatment to He took the risk not High Peaks Pure Earth.

    If we ignore actions by Tibetans inside Tibet by saying its too risky to let the world know what they have taken a personal risk to do then we end up censoring their voices.

  5. keithtelluride

    It is a good, dangerous thing to post blogs from China. I support doing so, no matter the result.
    Thanks and may we all support and inform as best we can those in China to the best way to communicate to good effect and as safely as possible.

  6. takten
    com'on ppl.he is hero.duun "estimate" his intelligence.he know wht he is doing.

  7. best boifriend

    com'on ppl.he is hero.duun eeiimaatt his intelligence.he know wht he is doing.he is TIBETAN.

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