High Peaks Pure Earth is happy to see so many Tibet-related publications come out just over the past few months! Since our Summer reading list, there are lots of new books to update you all on. Some of these would make great holiday reading whilst some are academic titles but we hope that you find something of interest nonetheless.
We’ve added the following sixteen books (in no particular order) to the existing list:
- “Spoiling Tibet” By Gabriel Lafitte
- “The Song of King Gesar” By Alai
- “Taming Tibet: Landscape Transformation and the Gift of Chinese Development” By Emily T. Yeh
- “In the Land of the Eastern Queendom: The Politics of Gender and Ethnicity on the Sino-Tibetan Border” By Tenzin Jinba
- “Tibetan Soul: Stories” By Alai
- “Tibet, The Last Cry” By Eric Meyer and Laurent Zylbermann
- “Red Stamps and Gold Stars: Fieldwork Dilemmas in Upland Socialist Asia” Edited by Sarah Turner
- “On the Fringes of the Harmonious Society” By Trine Brox and Ildikó Bellér-Hann
- “A History of Modern Tibet, Volume 3, The Storm Clouds Descend, 1955–1957” By Melvyn C. Goldstein
- “The Disempowered Development of Tibet in China: A Study in the Economics of Marginalization” By Andrew Fischer
- “Monastic and Lay Traditions in North-Eastern Tibet” Edited by Yangdon Dhondup, Ulrich Pagel and Geoffrey Samuel
- “The Thirteenth Dalai Lama on the Run (1904-1906)” Edited by Sampildondov Chuluun and Uradyn E. Bulag
- “Tibet: An Unfinished Story” By Lezlee & Stefan Halper
- “A Home in Tibet” by Tsering Wangmo Dhompa
- “Contestation and Adaptation: The Politics of National Identity in China” By Enze Han
- “Voices from Tibet: Selected Essays and Reportage” By Tsering Woeser and Wang Lixiong
“The Yogin and the Madman: Reading the Biographical Corpus of Tibet’s Great Saint Milarepa” By Andrew Quintman
Click through each of the above links to see short descriptions of the books. As always, we encourage readers who have read any of these books to leave a comment or submit a short review… if we’ve missed any titles or you have your own recommendations, please let us know!
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